Individual Flat Riding Lessons
We offer Individual lessons for all levels of rider. The lessons are 45 mins and give the opportunity for riders to have one-to-one attention, focusing on their individual needs. These lessons are ideal for riders wishing to progress from one level to another, for those less confident riders, for riders with specific goals or riders with special needs.
Group Lessons
We offer both Intermediate and Advanced Group lessons. The group lessons give the opportunity to learn with other riders of a similar level. The intermediate group lesson is particularly useful once the rider is walking and trotting independently, as it gives the rider the opportunity to follow another horse and therefore establish their balance and position in the rising trot without having to focus so much on steering.
Individual Flat Riding Lessons
We offer individual riding lessons for all levels of riders. Depending on the age of the child, the individual lessons will either be 30mins (4-6years old) or 45 mins (7-12 years old). The individual lesson is totally focused on the rider’s needs. These lessons are ideal for riders wishing to progress from one level to another, for those less confident riders, for riders with specific goals or riders with special needs.
Group lessons
We offer both intermediate and advanced group lessons. These lessons give the opportunity to ride and interact with other children of a similar level. The intermediate group lesson is particularly useful once the child is walking and trotting independently as it gives the rider the opportunity to follow and therefore establish their balance and position in the rising trot without having to focus so much on steering.
Please note: Whilst we are able to cater for riders with some special needs, we are not a ‘Riding for the Disabled’ (RDA) centre. Please contact the centre to discuss any needs you, or your child may have.
Please also note: The weight limit is 13.5 stone/85 kg.
Our horse hacking rides in London offer truly exhilarating days out in a beautiful environment throughout the year. We offer escorted horse hacking only for those who are able to walk, trot and canter independently.
You will ride through the quintessential English woodland of Trent Country Park nestling within the countryside of Middlesex and Hertfordshire, offering direct access to miles of road-free bridleways.
45 Min Rides: These rides take place 7 days a week. Group rides run at 11am and 2.30pm each day. Private rides can be organised at various times throughout the day.
3 Hour Pub rides: These rides take place on all Bank Holiday’s, once a month on a Sunday, and during summer evenings. It is also possible for us to organise ‘private’ pub rides for groups of 2 or more experienced riders. Ride through woodland & across farmland, before stopping at the ‘King & Tinker’ pub (one of oldest pubs in the country) on Whitewebbs Lane for refreshments on route.
Please note: any rider wishing to hack out at Trent Park Equestrian Centre must be competent in walk, trot & canter, and have an established light forward seat. All new clients wishing to hack must have had an assessment at the centre. This assessment can be either a group lesson or a private lesson.
Please also note: The weight limit is 13.5 stone/85 kg.
Our activities for children not only include our regular group and individual lessons but we run a large Pony Club for children from 6 years upwards who are confident off the lead rein in walk and trot. Head over to our booking page for more information.
We also run Pony Days and Pony Weeks for children during all school holidays.
Our Pony Days run from 9.30am-1.00pm or 2.15pm-5.45pm, Monday to Friday. The Pony Weeks include 5 days, Monday to Friday from either 9.30pm-1.00pm or 2.15pm-5.45pm.
The Pony Days and Weeks are suitable for all children from 6 years upwards who are confident in walk and trot off the lead rein. They include two, 45 min riding sessions as well as practical pony care sessions. They are a great way for the children to gain valuable hands on experience with the ponies to build confidence.
Show Jumping
We offer group show jumping lessons taught by our senior team of qualified, experienced instructors. For riders wishing to learn how to jump , we recommend a individual or group prep-to-jump lesson, which will cover all the basics of light forward seat position and working over poles.
Adult Jump Lessons at on Mondays (18:30 – 19:15; 19:15 – 20:00) and Thursdays (19:15 – 20:00).
Cross Country
There is also the opportunity to enjoy the fun and excitement of our diverse cross country course for more experienced riders. We have a range of fences to suit all levels whether it be those training for examinations or those just riding for fun. Many of our fences are portable allowing us to alter the course regularly, adding variety to the experience.
Availability for cross country sessions is ground/weather permitting. Anyone wishing to take cross country lessons at the centre must have show-jumped with us previously, and have been assessed as being at the correct level to go cross country.
Please note: It is compulsory that all riders wear a body protector when jumping. It is also a requirement of the centre that all riders have a correctly fitting, current safety standard helmet, long boots or gaiters, a short whip, and gloves.
For Cross country, it is compulsory for riders to wear a body protector and long sleeved top. Riders must wear a correctly fitting, current safety standard jockey skull cap.